Thursday, 26 March 2009

I had my crit today for fashion art and culture, I was dreading it because I thought my idea would have been changed and I’d get really confused but to be honest I thought it was really good – it helped so much to get feedback on my idea and new ideas for the photo. It was really interesting to see what some of the others in my class were doing as well. I’m doing ok with my critical studies essay, I’ve written most of it – I just need to go through it and sort out my bibliography.
Technically all I have to do now is hand in my essay, do the photo shoot and then I can go home!! I actually can’t wait!! I’m quite excited to start on the interdisciplinary project as well.

Monday, 23 March 2009

Presentations !!

I had another PPD1 lesson this morning- we looked at what makes a bad or good presentation? It was difficult because we had to put together a presentation on a random subject – my group got high street designer. I’m not really that good at presentations in general and I always end up reading what I need to say straight off my piece of paper, regardless of how much I practice to look up etc. It was ok though I tried having less notes to read from and I wasn’t too worried because it was only in front of a few people. Our presentation for PPD1 at the end of the year will be in front of everyone so I think I’ll need to practice loads and try to seriously overcome my nerves!

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Fashion illustrator ???

After researching jobs within the fashion industry for PPD1 I think the two jobs that interest me the most at this point in my fashion education is fashion illustration and fashion design. I have a real passion for the creative sketch book and drawing side to the course. And when we do a project that is focused less on drawing and being creative with media, I really really miss it!
To pursue a career in illustration or fashion design I would need to improve my CAD skills and become more knowledgeable and confident, editing my designs on Photoshop and illustrator.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

PPD1- fashion buyer

More PPD1 stuff ….

Fashion buyer

1. How would you generally describe this job?
work generally ahead of season you are buying for , looking for next trends and styles.

2. What would it involve on a day to day basis?
searching for new trends and inspiration for these trends – communicating with designers and technicians also

3. What kind of salary would you receive?
£16,000- 90,000

4. What would the working hours be?
8.30 – 6.30 varies between different seasons

5. What is the next step up on the career ladder?
In charge of boutiques.

6. What are the good things about the job?
Chance to work with a variety of people
Competition and challenge

7. What are the bad things about the job?
Decisions are vital so you are subject to criticism
Unsociable working hours
Trends always changing so as soon as you’ve found inspiration you need to find more !

8. What kind of people would this person be working along side?
Designers and merchandisers communicating trends to people who re-create them

fashion designer PPD1

For my PPD1 I m looking into fashion jobs after looking at illustration I decided to research into another one I’m interested in…

High street fashion design …

1. How would you generally describe this job?
Designs garments that are manufactured in thousands, for quick changing industry. Most high street designers are given a brief with specification of colour and fabric.

2. What would it involve on a day to day basis?
Sketches by hand and work with CAD, analysing colour and shape, working as a team and alone, considering sales and production and developing pattern.

3. What kind of salary would you receive?
£14,000 but can develop up to 100,000 – 150,000

4. What would the working hours be?
9-5 mon- fri but near deadlines and fashion shows etc the hours can be anytime!

5. What is the next step up on the career ladder?
Freelance designer or couture etc.

6. What are the good things about the job?
Satisfaction once designed garments
The pay
Opportunity to move up
Challenge and competition

7. What are the bad things about the job?
Threats of copyright
Unsociable hours
Cost of mass production

8. What kind of people would this person be working along side?
Working along side whole design and production team
Been feeling really homesick recently and I’m not sure why because I love the course
So I know it’s not that aspect of my life here. But it has been getting me really down at the moment.
On a more positive note I had my interdisciplinary workshop manipulating fabrics today, I really enjoying bonding the fabrics together as they created really interesting effects. But I did find it difficult to make fabrics that were actually durable especially when working with wax as it would just peel off.
Here are some photos of samples …….

Monday, 16 March 2009

More photo studio induction pics.....

Just received the photos from my photo studio induction last week - we learnt skills using the SLR cameras. It was really useful and will help loads when I do my fashion art and culture photo shoot at the start of April. Here are some of the photos using different settings and techniques.....

PPD1 - careering towards the edge of fashion !

I got 59% for my millinery elective I was a little gutted that I was one mark off a 2.1 though. I really enjoyed the millinery week and I might do it again for second year.

I had a PPD1 session earlier and it was really helpful, we looked at different professions within the fashion industry- we had to randomly pick a fashion job out of a hat and research it, putting together a mini presentation for the class. My group got garment technologist as the job title. I found out a lot about it, but if anything it made me quite sure that it was something I didn’t want to do as it was too technical and not very creative.

We had a list of questions to address:
1. How would you generally describe this job?
2. What would it involve on a day to day basis?
3. What kind of salary would you receive?
4. What would the working hours be?
5. What is the next step up on the career ladder?
6. What are the good things about the job?
7. What are the bad things about the job?
8. What kind of people would this person be working along side?

We were told to research 3 other jobs that interest us in the fashion profession so I began with fashion illustration…..

Fashion Illustration

1. They conceptualize and draw clothing and accessories by hand or use special computer software programs (e.g., computer aided design/CAD). Fashion illustrations are used in newspaper and magazine advertising layouts, department store ads, direct mail catalogues, television commercials, films, brochures, and flyers.

2. On a day to day basis a fashion illustrator might research a brief, create initial concepts or final art work pieces, working on Photoshop and illustrator manipulating designs and by hand.

3. Average £14,000 to 25,000 however with chances to go up to a higher wage depending on the illustrators experience and previous clients

4. 12 to 15 hours a day – but this can alternate depending upon a deadline.

5. There are no specific steps to follow on the career ladder, but a freelance illustrator may want to form a brand putting his/her illustration onto objects, clothing or furniture or illustrating for designers collections etc.

6. The good things about the job are
• you get the chance to be creative
• variety of different briefs to illustrate for
• fulfilling once you’ve finished a piece
• can work from home as a freelancer (may be seen as good or bad point)

7. bad things
• no guarantees like all freelance careers
• not everyone likes what you illustrate – only to certain peoples tastes
• criticism as like all art its subjective and it depends on the person who looks at it
• Time pressure – deadlines need to be in on time, you need to be reliable.

8. work with a variety of people, professional fashion artists may work on a freelance basis for an advertising agency, manufacturer, or department store, or out of their own studio for there own company or brand or for other designers.

“What qualities you need to be a fashion illustrator?”

• Exceptional drawing skills
• Excellent computer skills (especially CAD software)
• High level of creativity and artistic impression
• Basic business know how
• The ability to understand a clients brief
• Discipline to make sure work is completed by a deadline
• The ability to sometimes think outside the brief

Sunday, 15 March 2009

6 months later ......

Well well well, its been 6 months since I moved to Leeds and started this course. I can’t believe time has gone by so fast- to be honest its really really scary. I mean we are so close to the end of the first year and more students are moving into our place!

Though I think I have settled into Leeds – I still feel like this is slightly temporary – it’s weird because I still go through phases where I’m quite eager to go home. I think this is partly because I live in the middle of the countryside at home- which is sooooo different to Leeds and sometimes when I’m really stressed out I just want to go back to a more chilled lifestyle for a few days of relaxation!

I was sooooooo pleased with my creative design practices module mark, I got 80 % I actually can't believe it! I think it was partly because I enjoyed the project so much that I worked harder on it.
I feel like I’ve come really far though because for my first module I felt I had tried really hard and to be honest was quite upset when I realised I had 57% (which looking back really wasn’t that bad). But now I can see such a positive change in my sketch book style. It’s funny though because I remember saying to some of my flatmates that I didn’t think I would ever get anywhere near a first!

We had a new brief last week and I’m sooooo exited to start researching it ! The word we are exploring is metamorphosis – we also get to illustrate our design at the end which I’m really looking forward too.

Also I’ve heard that our millinery elective marks are in so I will get mine 2moro !!!

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Here's my millinery mood and design board ....

well well well !! i have finally come up with an idea for my fashion art and culture project - although i am getting in to it now, its probably my least favorite project so far. i handed in my millinery elective today it was nice to get it out the way so i could focus on f,a &c and crit but i wish it was longer than week cuz i loved it ! i especially enjoyed the sketch book work here are some photos from my sketch book