Friday, 5 December 2008

We had tutorials last Tuesday and we discussed what we had found from the shops so far. I was quite pleased with the feedback because it helped me focus on what I needed to do this week and keep me going in the right direction .

We got our marks for creative approaches to fashion and I have to admit I was quite disappointed with mine at first. I got 57% which is a 2.2 .(and the average was 60). At first I was quite upset but when I read through my feedback and flicked through my work again I did think well at least I’d know what not to do next time. I’m trying not to get hung up on marks because as long as you pass year 1 marks don't really count, but its difficult. I found it quite hard in a way because the way of marking is so different to A– level art but our tutors already warned us not to be too upset because the way of marking is different and its at a different level. I feel a bit better about it now because I can see what I’ve learnt to do and what not to do. When researching I should have used mainly other sources and not just related to fabric. Then I could relate these shapes to the garment I’m designing. I also should have experimented more with the photograph and considered the angle.Also I think I focused to much on illustrating my work for the mark making task when I should have been experimenting with the type of line etc.
So I guess whatever the result at least I’ve learnt some important stuff from the project!

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