Saturday, 31 January 2009

Just updating with some of my favorite design sheets ....

Thursday, 29 January 2009

We had individual tutorials on tues and they went ok but i realised i had chosen some awful fabrics and didnt really know what they were. But i talked to angie and i feel clearer about what i need to look out for. We had another fashion and art lesson today, i find it soooooo interesting and am looking forward to getting stuck into the research........ if i ever find time !

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Marks !!

I've had two grades back this week the first was a complete shock !!
It was the creative design realisation modual- 65% which I thought I had struggled a little bit with and I thought I would do really bad !!
The only weaknesses were that I didn't write enough information on my blocks or write an evaluation. Also I was missing the invisible zip, but this was because i hadn't managed my time as well as i should have done. I think for my future moduals i'm going to pay more attention to what is in the breif as i missed the evaluation there.

The critical studies presentaion marks came back and I got 64% which I'm also really pleased with, because I was dreading speaking in front of the class. I thought the only issues I need to work on for my next presentaion is that I misunderstood the purpose of the written summary and explained the layout of my slides instead - I was also told to have a longer bibligraphy.
At the moment I am drowning in work !! Our design practices work seems to have esculated to a whole new level !I felt really good about my research sheets and idea ones because I think I have really learnt something from my previous research project and I can see why I got the mark I did. All my ideas were based around fabric and I was also stuck in the rut of working how in an A-level art style.
We were shown last years best work and there was sooooo much it was amazing as well so i felt a little concerned !!but..... im gonna get my head down and work hard this weekend so i can get my 90 (YES 90! ) designs done for tues and some fabric samples as well.

Here are my 5 idea sheets so far .......

Friday, 16 January 2009

We also began our design practices project exploring the concept of "container culture" we have less than a week to produce a sketch book of research and 5 idea sheets!! I was really stressed earlier in the week beacuse I was tryi ng to cram time for my sketch book whilst viewing houses - BUT ..... we found the most amazing house yesterday for second year, so thats off my mind now !!
We also did a fabric workshop thing with angie and I found it really helpful because if I'm honest I know very little about fabric types. We looked at loads of fabrics and gueesed what they were then they were revealed at the end. I learn't quite a lot, but i think I still need to look closer at fabric types to become more familiar with what they can do.

Well Well Well !! alot has been happening this week !
Firstly I printed off the trend boards I did over christmas and added the fabric swatches - I'm actually really pleased with them- even though they were really time consuming beacuse I like how they turned out .

Saturday, 10 January 2009

Well.... I’m back in Leeds and I think I need to catch you up with what I’ve been up too. The River island competition was something I spent quite a lot of time working on -our task was to create an accessory made from charity shop items for River island.
So all I’m gonna say is.. What a journey I had to the final piece !!
I originally bought an umbrella from a charity shop and intended to make it into a necklace using the metal structure. This is my sketched idea..

BUT...I had all these metal pieces that wouldn’t attach together in the way I wanted them to so next I went to another charity shop and bought a plastic hair band, some beaded necklaces and some old looking buttons. I then used the fabric from the umbrella to make a flower like thing on the top of the hair band - I intended for the metal structure I had made to be poking out from the top of the flower…

However hitch number 2 !! the metal would not stick to the hairband even with superglue and though I tried loads of ways of clamping it on it just wasnt happening !
Before I came up with my final idea i considered putting the metal bit on a pearl chain and making a necklace with it.

But i still wasnt happy so i went rummaging through the charity shops for like the Hundredth time and decided to use an old pencil case as part of a bag. But having used up all my umbrella fabric i bought another from echarity shop for a pound !
I then used the umbrella fabric to line the pencil case and for the flower on the bag adding the beads as the strap. And here is the final result ......

Even though it was a bit of an ordeal- Im really pleased with my outcome.I think I learnt that you cant always just think of an idea and make it. You kind of have to go through a mental process of experimenting with ideas, some of which you reject before you get to a sucessful idea that your happy with !