Thursday, 22 January 2009

Marks !!

I've had two grades back this week the first was a complete shock !!
It was the creative design realisation modual- 65% which I thought I had struggled a little bit with and I thought I would do really bad !!
The only weaknesses were that I didn't write enough information on my blocks or write an evaluation. Also I was missing the invisible zip, but this was because i hadn't managed my time as well as i should have done. I think for my future moduals i'm going to pay more attention to what is in the breif as i missed the evaluation there.

The critical studies presentaion marks came back and I got 64% which I'm also really pleased with, because I was dreading speaking in front of the class. I thought the only issues I need to work on for my next presentaion is that I misunderstood the purpose of the written summary and explained the layout of my slides instead - I was also told to have a longer bibligraphy.

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