Thursday, 30 April 2009

presentation skills .....

Just updating from a few weeks ago when we had a PPD1 session we looked at how to do a successful presentation. We were put into random groups and had to do presentations on randomly allocated things .We looked at ways to make a presentation more interesting. I have to admit I find presentations fairly difficult, and usually end up reading off the page. But this time I actually took the advice and used simple prompts so the majority of what’s said has to be naturally said not that plodding boring scroll of sentences that no one is actually listening to, because its read off the piece of paper in front of you!!
We received feedback from these practice presentations in out pigeon holes and found that...
The negatives of the presentation were the conclusion and introduction as we didn’t outline the topics that would be covered and round up the presentation for the audience.
The positives were that the content was clear and thorough and explained the topic given to us (fashion designer) well.

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