Wednesday, 6 May 2009


Today was quite good - we learnt to Moulage its sort of a different approach to pattern cutting. We were going to Moulage the garment we made yesterday but mine was not really suitable to do this with so we made a new design. I worked with Faith and we created a dress using pleats at the front and different darts to mould it to the body. At first I started just draping it to the mannequin and this didn’t really work that well but once I had learnt to be more creative with the darts and not just wrap the fabric around the body it was really successful. I was pleased with the outcome. We marked on all the information we needed with a pencil and are going to make it into a pattern next week I think.
Also we had group tutorials they were ok but I’m just at a stage where I need to design more and work on the mannequin to develop my ideas and find a final piece ready for next week when we start making it. Here is my garment from the Moulage workshop today:

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