Thursday, 24 December 2009

tailoring processes feedback ..

I had my feedback for tailoring processes just before I went back for Christmas and I was really pleased with it. I felt like I had positive feedback but also with some constructive criticism that I can use in further projects.
The feedback I got was as follows …
“Excellent body of work ,well presented, well documented, contempary references and designs , techniques and fabric s, Bold and visually stimulating”
However I was told to look at the development of my media techniques to make the visual quality better. She said I shouldn’t use crayons for my final designs sheets as it looked to school like. Which I can understand as it didn’t look quite as professional as it could have.
As I am normally told to be neater and draw flats not drawings, I made a conscious effort to be neater and keep my flats as professional as possible in this project, which is why I didn’t use lots of media and be as experimental as usual . So it was interesting that sue noticed that i could have selected more interesting media. However it really made me think about how much my sketch book work has developed and how to improve it further. Sue suggested that I need to find a medium between the two: of being too experimental and not experimental enough.
I was really pleased with feedback as I felt the points she raised were things I had been thinking and feeling unsure about. And I feel the comments will improve my work for future projects, I am definitely going to take the points into consideration.

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