Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Work placement and design realisation

I have had a very busy few week, firstly I applied to be a fashion illustrator/design intern in London a week or so ago( for ppd2 ) and was asked to attend an interview, so I spent most of the week stressed putting together my portfolio whilst finishing design realisation for hand in as well. …Anyway I went to London on Monday and attended the interview. It went really well and they offered me the placement! I was so pleased, but now there is the issue of finding somewhere to stay in London that doesn’t cost and arm and a leg !
I’m really excited to be living in London for 3 weeks, it’s going to be a lot different to what I am used to and I think I am going to learn so much from the company I will be working for .
I also had my feedback for Design realisation…. The positives were,
• Excellent body of research
• Precise technical package, presented to a professional standard
• Garment constructed beautifully

The parts I needed to work on were:
• experiment with a different media when annotating(when this was pointed out I realised that I did use a lot of random biros etc for my notes and for a cleaner finish need to consider something more consistent
I felt I learnt quite a lot from this project, especially managing to use illustrator to do flats which I was really proud of, and developing a positive way of working. In this module I took apart the garment were told to design from which seemed to give me lots of ideas on designing. Even though we were making one garment I felt I could design lots more from the idea pages I produced ,which is positive and I’m going to use this way of working again if I get the chance.

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