Thursday, 18 March 2010


I was quite pleased with my feedback today. My feedback was as follows :
"an excellent body of work. Showing a maturity to research and design beyond your years. You have chosen images using mainly your own photography with your own responses. Your design work has flair and individuality. The presentation needs more eye contact but the verbal presentation was strong. The trend book is excellent and presented immaculately well done. Take all the positives from this project into your research practices."
I think I need to develop my presentation skills as I am confident with what I want to say but i don’t deliver it well, the nerves seem to get to me and I don't use eye contact. Next time I am going to make a conscious effort to be more interactive with my audience!! Gemma also suggested that for research practices I chose something close to my roots as I did for this project as it came across stronger because it meant something to me.

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