Tuesday, 14 October 2008

I really enjoyed today, we brought in barbies and manipulated fabric upon them and the half scale bodices. I think I created my favourite one on the half scale bodice. Something I learnt today was not to pin into the manikin to much and to pin the fabric to each other, as pinning it to the bodice does not give a true idea of how the fabric will fall. Also pinned to the manikin you can not tell if the whole garment will work as a whole. We went round the room looking at other peoples work and writing comments, comments on my work were as follows :

“love the way you’ve layered the different fabrics ontop of each other, really interesting”

“confident illustration”

“Innovative idea -Don’t forget we to have arms!”

“Really great texture created in this drawing”

“edgy shapes- v good”

“ really like the shapes of the folds with the different materials”

“Like the way it looks fluid”

It was actually really nice to have feedback upon your own work but also to give other people feedback on theirs, suggesting ideas that will help them.
To practice on a larger scale we worked with partners upon a full scale manikin. My partners' word was tied and twisted so it was cool to incorporate that into gathering up. I was really pleased with our outcome, we used the large sheets of paper as a basic starting point for the bottom of the dress then we worked over the shoulders one focusing upon gathered fabrics the other focusing upon tied and twisted then they combined in the middle and across the back .

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