Thursday, 2 October 2008

On Sunday I decided to go to the vintage fair in the town hall which I discovered to be an incredible building inside and out. Though I was attempting to stick to my student budget I bought two pieces of jewelry and a vintage purse. As I’m hoping to study Millinery for my elective choice I took photographs of some of the vintage hats. It brought back memories of visiting vintage and antique fairs when I was younger and searching for unique pieces. I like the idea of finding something that very few people have and knowing that the item you have found often has an interesting history behind it. My favorite hat was the one photographed above it had so much detail. The top part of the hat had coiled fabric flowers and feathers which contrasted with the band of netting surrounding it.

On monday we explored a learning styles activity it was weird to see what i thought my learning style was in comparison to the result after the quiz. According to the Questionnaire I have a medium preference to all of the styles, my highest was visual which is what I had expected.
Reading the description it was quite accurate referring to remembering peoples faces and doodling in different coloured pens . However one of the aspects of visual learning
that didn’t fit my personality is having a good sense of direction. I can often see the place I want to go to and the roads leading to it yet I can’t piece together how to get there!

Today I went job hunting and popped into the library on my way back down to my flat, it’s actually a really impressive building. I took some photographs inside of the stairway that was really decorative and archaic. We had our cad induction yesterday which was good because we received our college email and logins and tomorrow we are using the industrial machines ! I’m quite nervous having not used them before. I do feel a bit rubbish because coming from an A level background I haven't had the experience some of the others have creating garments etc. But at the same time I am really excited to learn how to use them and gain a new skill.

It was Brilliant !! Today we used the industrial machines and I was soooo nervous I thought I wasn' t going to be able to control it but actually it was ok after mastering how hard to press the pedal. We followed lines on paper rather than fabric to become familiar with went to start and stop ,following a line. I actually really enjoyed it which in a way will teach me to be excited rather than worried next time we do something new. I'm thinking of getting a domestic sewing machine so I can do samples and experiments at home. It was really cool because we were shown how to stretch a material on the bias so when I got home I was just pulling all my clothes to find they stretch more on the diagonal—I can't believe I never noticed this before !

Today we had a creative design realisation brief which has got me so excited about this module– I can’t believe by the end I’m going to produce a garment , I’m so eager to start learning the stages in production because I haven’t done anything like this before .I think my strengths are probably more around the drawing aspects of the course but it will be interesting to see how I get on because its all so new.

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