Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Interview, action plan and working with the third years

My interview fro PPD2 was on Friday and I am really happy to say I think it went quite well, I think I came across enthusiastic and passionate about my work and what I wanted to do with my future and career. It was quite tricky to answer some questions like what to do you like and dislike about you but I think I managed to come up with some good answers. The only annoying thing about the interview was how hot it was in the room! We were interviewed by Gemma and a women that we were told was a buyer for Harvey Nichols (it was later reviled that she actually owned her own business) Putting my portfolio together made me feel really proud of myself, looking at an overall collection of how I have developed over the past year. I was happy that I had managed to put together a portfolio that I felt I could talk positively about and use as a prop to sell myself. It seems a world away that I came in the first week and felt so behind, having ever done any fashion related work before ..I remember being worried that I would not succeed on this course. I just feel like I’ve learnt so much and really found something I have a passion for and something that drives me to go further.
With the interview I handed in my action plan for year three and it went as follows:
ACTION 1: To generate design ideas in a wider variety of ways
I will go about this by sampling more on the stand rather than just putting shapes on the body. Also deconstructing garments upon the stand as I did in tailoring practices helped me develop design ideas so I plan to do this more. I will know this has been successful when my design ideas are more developed and understood.
ACTION 2: Improve technical detail of research work. I
I will do this by keeping up a more professional technique within my research work – keeping the same written style and technique thoroughly throughout. I will know I have achieved this when my research work has a slightly more finished and professional appearance
ACTION 3: I will develop my presentation skills
I will do this by becoming more confident talking about my own work and presenting my work. I want to develop this as for the trend project when I had to present my trend humble heritage I felt this was my weakness and I could have improved eye contact and interacting with the audience. I will no I have achieved this when I feel more confident presenting my own ideas to large groups.
ACTION 4: I will become more competent using cad illustrations.
I will do this by experimenting further using illustrator so I am not completely reliant upon hand rendered illustrations. I will know I have achieved this when I competent using illustrator to create strong illustrations.
ACTION 5: I would like to improve my time management when researching
I felt for the last project I needed more time upon research as I hadn’t had time to do any whilst doing my work placement at Easter. So in the future I want to plan out my time so I can organise and track my progress on a project. I will know I have achieved this when I complete a project in an organised and planned manner
ACTION 6: I want to further develop my pattern cutting skills
I feel my pattern cutting skills and confidence have really improved since my first year, however as I am gaining more confidence I am realising how much there is to learn within pattern cutting and I want my skills to be more advanced. To achieve this I am going to practice over summer making garments and pushing myself to make new things. I will know I have achieved this when I feel confident to make a range of new garments that I haven’t made before.
On another note we have been allocated our third years to work with in the next week. My third year Grace is really nice actually and I had the chance to look at her work today which was good to see. Today was very busy, all morning we were painting the boards for the exhibition stand ..this was a bit of a mission seen as there were HEAPS of boards that all needed painting several times, gum taped in places and polyfilled ! It took a long time but I guess it was an experience! It was kind of annoying that loads of people didn’t come in as all the people that did really worked together and we got stuck in and got it done! Other than that I went to town for my third year, did some photocopying and went to Leeds uni to book a digital printing slot for her portfolio. Wonder what I’ll be doing tomorrow, something interesting I hope.

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