Saturday, 29 May 2010

Working with the third years and RESULTS !!

The last few days working with the third years put into perspective again how pressured and stressful third year is actually going to be. On Wednesday and Thursday I met Grace at Vernon street and she showed me some of her work- I really liked her style of illustration and it seemed as though she was very hand rendered based like me. I went into town a couple of times to print some photographs for her. However the first time I went the photos weren’t showing up on the memory stick and so I had to go back and reload them. She was telling me how to be prepared for everything to go wrong, and to have a back up for everything as lots of things she planned at gone wrong this year including her portfolio and photo shoot.
I put together the swing tags and helped her with her stand, which I was really impressed with .. I think it was the attention to detail and the theme throughout that made it strong. She had problems with her portfolio which must have been really annoying as she had booked to print it and then when she arrived at Leeds Uni they said they didn’t print A2 front and back..then at staples it cost £60 + so she had to print it A4 in the end which she seemed a little bit gutted about. I think the key for third year is going to be preparation and organisation so nothing gets left behind or left too late.
We got our results back on Thursday also and I was really pleased with my marks :
Research Practices 78 , PPD2 73 and enterprise 73.
I think what I was most happy about was the fact that I got 76% for my interview and action plan for PPD2 as this was an area I was worried would let me down, hopefully this shows that my skills in this area have developed.

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